Turn Your Business Dreams Into Reality.

You Don't Have To Do It Alone.


Connect & Conquer Open Office Hours

Our mission is a passionate commitment to kindle the flame of entrepreneurial spirit within a supportive community. We understand that the journey of entrepreneurship can be daunting, which is why we strive to create an environment that nurtures shared growth, mutual support, and companionship.

We believe in transforming the solitude of business challenges into a shared journey of triumphs and discoveries. We're not just a platform, but a tribe that celebrates every idea, cherishes every ambition, and faces every challenge together.

Join us and feel the power of collective wisdom, shared passion, and unwavering support. Together, we can turn dreams into reality and conquer the business world.


if you are looking for a place where the sparks of ambition meet the winds of knowledge and support, turning into the blazing fire of success. You are looking to navigate the labyrinth of business together, to celebrate the triumphs, to learn from the setbacks, and above all, to keep the flame of entrepreneurship burning brightly.


Our resident expert, Tricia, will provide insightful answers to your pressing business and tech-related questions. Her wealth of knowledge spans across various facets of entrepreneurship, ensuring you get the guidance you need.

Each session offers a chance to connect with like-minded individuals from diverse business backgrounds. This gives you the opportunity to broaden your professional network and forge potential partnerships.

Our Open Office Program fosters a supportive community of entrepreneurs. By attending a session, you get to share and discuss your challenges, victories, and experiences, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support.

Each session is a learning hub, brimming with discussions on latest industry trends, innovative strategies, and practical solutions. You can learn not just from Tricia, but also from the collective experiences and insights of other attendees.

Surrounded by other motivated entrepreneurs, you'll find an atmosphere that keeps your passion for your business alive. This environment serves to inspire and motivate you, helping to keep your entrepreneurial fire burning.

As you navigate the complex world of business, personal growth is inevitable. Each session offers you a chance to develop your problem-solving skills, broaden your perspective, and enhance your understanding of entrepreneurship.

Dear Entrepreneur,

I am writing this letter to you, the passionate creator, the tireless dreamer, the bold innovator, who finds themselves in the challenging landscape of business, often feeling the weight of it all resting solely on your shoulders. I understand your journey because I've been there too.

Entrepreneurship can be a solitary path, filled with both unanticipated obstacles and unforeseen victories. The journey, while exciting, can sometimes feel overwhelming. The challenges can seem daunting when faced alone, and the pressure to succeed might sometimes cast a shadow over the joy of creation. But remember, you do not have to navigate this journey in solitude.

That's why we created the Connect & Conquer Open Office Program. Our mission is to ensure that no entrepreneur feels alone in their journey. We're committed to providing support not only in all areas of business, but also as you navigate the challenges of life that inevitably intertwine with your entrepreneurial journey.

At Connect & Conquer, you'll find more than just business advice. You'll find a community of individuals who share your passion, understand your struggle, and are eager to celebrate your victories. You'll find a family that rallies behind you, helping to lighten your load, share your dreams, and transform challenges into learning opportunities.

We are here to guide you through every stage of your entrepreneurial endeavor - from business planning to tech advice, and everything in between. But our support doesn't stop at the door of business logistics. We understand that entrepreneurship is not a 9-5 job. It's a lifestyle. That's why we're here to provide moral support, encouragement, and a listening ear whenever you need it.

As part of our Connect & Conquer family, you can take advantage of our physical meetings in Kansas City or join our virtual sessions on Zoom, if you're based elsewhere. These sessions are more than just Q&A time - they're opportunities to learn from others, to network, and to draw strength from the collective wisdom of a community who is on the same journey as you.

Remember, it's okay to feel overwhelmed at times. It's okay to need support. You are not alone. We're here to walk alongside you as you chart your own course in the world of business. Together, we can face the challenges, share the burdens, celebrate the victories, and above all, keep the spirit of entrepreneurship alive and thriving.

I invite you to join the Connect & Conquer Open Office Program. Let's navigate the world of business together, turning dreams into reality, and making the journey a little less solitary and a lot more inspiring.

Thanks so much, Tricia


We guarantee that you will love these sessions!

I'm on a mission of changing the world by guiding people to live their truth. I'm inspired to see people become the exception and lead exceptional lives. I dedicate myself to ensure that entrepreneurs are on their way to freedom. I am committed to researching and creating a path to this awakening. When I consider what makes me unique: It's undoubtedly my passion and drive. I'm invested in my growth on a soul level and I am still mastering freedom. Everyday I wake up for work excited to guide people to live their truth and do what I do best: which is soul searching. I invite you to live in alignment with your truth and dive deeper into chasing your passion and living your purpose.

Tricia Keightley


I started out as a hairstylist believe it or not. I went back to school in my late 20s and got my Bachelors in Web Development. I started soon after on a personal development journey going to therapy, coaching, listening to every podcast and reading every self help book I could get my hands on. More recently I have stepped into the coaching world after obtaining my certification as a Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner.

One of the main things I have learned is that ultimately our personal development is a direct reflection on our business development. You can't have one without the other. My journey as an entrepreneur has been amazing. Being an entrepreneur is in my blood and in my bones.

One thing that stems from this is loving to watch other people develop and thrive as well. I have been able to double my salary from a conventional 9-5 job and I am on my way to quadrupling it this year. This is exactly what I want to help you master. Time freedom, and be able to live the life of your dreams and not feel like you have to work a day in your life.


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